Artist in Residence Molobyen, Bodø

A city in the making. AIR Molobyen is a Residency program focusing on transforming the urban district Molobyen in Bodø, through art, architecture, and culture. We are experimenting with temporary and semi-permanent installations and projects in the public environment. We collaborate with artists, architects, and other creative actors locally and worldwide.

Below we showcase some of the AIR-projects.



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Read more about the OPEN CALL here


Artist in Residence Michal Lovecky

An immersive VR Experience with Ocean Sounds presenting Marine Mammals of the Vestfjord.

Michal Lovecky (Germany/Czech Republic) came as an Artist in Residence, during August 2024. He worked together with the scientists from Ocean Sounds, Nord University.

Together they created a unique event where participants could dive into the world of ocean sounds and marine life. Over three days, people from Bodø had the opportunity to experience a virtual reality Exhibition called "Sea of Sounds”.

Foto: Michal Lovecky & Christine Karijord


Stories in layers. Av Martine Eidissen Nymo.

The marble installation by artist Martine Eidissen Nymo is based on the rich story from the marble tradition in Fauske. Six blocks of marble art, are placed along the coastline in Molobyen. The installation tells us about the cutural heritage of the region and gives us an idea about the simplicity and beauty the natural resourses have given us.

The inaguration was well visited on the opening day of Bodø 2024, 3rd of Februrary.

Foto: Christine Karijord, Åsta Børte

Artist in Residence: Guido Bisagni / 108 (it)

Bisagni is a historic exponent of the Italian urban art scene and is considered one of the first and greatest exponents of abstract post-graffiti art on a national and European level.

Bisagni will during the week before the opening use the gallery as his studio, where it's possible for the public to visit and see the artist at work.

Prosjekt 67 are also collaborating with Den Frie Presse at Bodøgaard where Bisagni will produce a woodcut print for the exhibition.


In 1999 Bisagni abandoned traditional graffiti lettering to devote himself to more distinctive and characterizing expressive formulas, as also underscored by the transition to the pseudonym 108, a de-personalizing name derived from a combination of interests in Eastern philosophies and geometry. Signs, symbols, abstract materializations with organic features make up his new poetic and spiritual imagery, in the conception of which contaminations of different sources take over, from the abstractionism of the historical avant-gardes to the Dadaist causality of H. Arp, from numerology to primitive painting. The shamanic component of Eastern religions and Kandinsky’s color theory are fundamental contributions to build a discourse around these soft, ethereal and heavy forms at the same time, not so much in the direction of their aesthetic bearing, though very present, but in their universal intimacy.

Following the discovery of L. Russolo’s sound compositions, 108 also broadened his experimentation to the field of music under the pseudonym Larva 108. With the help of old computers and acoustic instruments, he transposes the restlessness of wall works into the production of disturbing noises and sound compositions.


Architecture for the public (2023)
NTNU architecture students & Nord-Norsk Badstueforening creating a local meeting place, including two saunas and a greenhouse for urban gardening.


A public art gallery made from old containers.
Run by Prosjekt67.
Supported by Samfunnsløftet, Bodø2024, KORO, Molobyen, Bodø Kommune.


Mural painting & collaboration with a school class (2023)
Artwork: Rudi & Robin Gundersen
Artist: Espen Henningsen
Curator: Gøran Moya


Art, architecture, and recycled concrete (2022)
Artist: Milu Chorres, Argentina
Architect: Sami Rintalla, Bodø
Curator: Gøran Moya


Kunstpausen “Concrete Dreaming” er en midlertidig installasjon som retter fokus mot gjenbruk av materialer i byutviklingen. Betongen er gjenbrukt fra Bodø flystasjon og benkene er laget av gammel tømmer fra Beiarn. Veggmaleriene er inspirert av lokale historier om heksebrenning i middelalderen, og er malt av den argentinske gatekunstneren Milu Correch.

I samarbeid med Molobyen Utvikling, Kulturkollektivet, Bodø Kommune, Bodø 2024, Bankgata Ungdomsskole. Med støtte fra Kunst i offentlig rom (KORO).